Location: 351 Sesuit Neck Road (west side ramp); 81 Cold Storage Road (east side ramp).
Description: Sesuit Harbor town ramp is managed by the town of Dennis and is one of the largest cape ramp facilities with access to the bay side. The Harbor has two paved ramps one on the west side of the harbor and the other on the east West Launch is a single paved ramp located on 351 Sesuit Neck Road and has parking for 30 trailers. East Launch is a double wide paved ramp and is located at 81 Cold Storage Road and has parking for 50 trailers. Both contain docks to assist with loading.
East Side - $8 daily Monday - Thursday, $10 Friday to Sunday
West Side - $10 daily Monday - Thursday, $15 from Friday to Sunday
Access To: Cape Cod Bay spots Scorton Creek(13 nm), Billingsgate Shoals (6 nm), Provincetown (21nm)