The FG Knot is considered the strongest braid to leader knot available. However is is not being utilized as the primary connection used for big game tuna in the Northeast. Most Captains prefer a direct splice of leader into hollow braid, or utilize a loop to loop connection. But learning the FG knot is a critical skill that when learned could just save an offshore trip for you. Repairing a failed splice in less than ideal conditioning can be challenging even with the right gear. The FG knot can be tied in less than a minute getting your rod back in the water when the action is hot.
The FG is reliable in all classes of line and can be used with mono, braid and fluorocarbon. Although bulkier then a direct splice the FG has enough low profile to be utilized and cast well in all casting applications. We have begun to utilize the FG more for big game applications and produced a step by step how to video.
FG Knot Process - consists of 5 main steps
- 24-30 interlocking coils of braid over the leader. This creates the chinese finger trap effect which makes the direct splice into hollow-core so strong.
- Rizzuto finish to secure tag end of braid after the FG coils
- Proper Knot tensioning to bind the braid to the leader - MOST IMPORTANT step to prevent failure
- Finishing knot on the braid tag end and trim excess
- Trim leader tag end and melt a small bulb as protection from FG slippage
When learned and with proper application the FG Knot can be tied quickly on the water to get you back in the game. Learning this knot is useful for all angler from light tackle up to targeting large pelagic’s.
Video Tutorial
For detailed step by step instructions please check out our tutorial.